Documentation > Setting up System Settings
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Right after installing MSPControl you should setup MSPControl system settings. They need to be correctly setup to send e-mail messages, work with backup/restore module etc. In order to access System Settings page login to MSPControl Portal under as serveradmin or his administrative peer and go to Settings > System Settings.

Proxy Settings

Enable Use proxy checkbox if you're going to update MSPControl through the proxy.

Address - IP or hostname and port of your proxy server.

Enable Use authentication If your proxy server requires authentication.

User name - username for your proxy server.

Password - password for above username.


SMTP Server Settings

Specify correct SMTP server settings to allow MSPControl send e-mail messages. Please, keep in mind that the application that sends e-mail messages is MSPControl Enterprise Server, not Portal.

  • Server - IP or hostname of mail server. If you want to send messages through SmarterMail then make sure it is an IP that bound to SmarterMail mail domain.
  • Port - SMTP port to use. By default it is 25.
  • User and Password - if you have SMTP relays disabled on mail server you should specify username and password of the account that has rights to send e-mail messages.
  • Enable SSL - if your SMTP is configured to accept only SSL client connections, tick this checkbox.


Web Platform Installer Settings

The Microsoft Web Platform Installer (Web PI) is a free tool that automates installation of the latest components of the Microsoft Web Platform, including Internet Information Services (IIS), SQL Server Express, .NET Framework and Visual Web Developer easy. The Web PI also makes it easy to install and run the most popular free web applications for blogging, content management and more with the built-in Windows Web Application Gallery.

  • Main feed URL - link to the special XML file the with product / application list. You can use default one from Microsoft ( or your own custom XML.
  • Custom feeds - click Add to add your own custom feed.


Backup/Restore Settings


Backup Folder Path - physical path to the folder where temporary backup files will be placed. Make sure the account of Enterprise Server application pool has write access to this folder. MSPControl Enterprise Server pool account should have "write" NTFS access to backups temporary folder.


File Manager

File manager allows you to browse your files from the MSPControl interface.

Editable Extensions - list of editable extensions allowed in your Portal.



If you have Remote Desktop Services in your panel, this option helps you to choose the Main RDS Controller from the dropdown list of added Controllers.


Organization Password Reset Module.

Password reset module allows you to manage password reset for Users in Hosted Organizations. Users will be able to get password reset links to email which they provide.

  • Enable password reset - Yes, if you have installed WebDAV Portal and going to use Password Reset functionality.
  • Password Reset Link Life Span (hours) - this is how long your password reset link will live and be functional, in hours.
  • WebDAV Portal URL - self-explainable. URL of your working WebDAV Portal.


Office Web Apps

If you have Office Web Apps (OWA) server in your environment, you might be interested in allowing your WebDAV Portal to work with it in order to modify OWA-supported files directly in the portal.

  • Enable OWA - Yes, if you want to allow integration with WebDAV Portal.
  • OWA URL - URL of your Office Web Apps.



Allows you to send password reset SMS for Users in Hosted Organizations.Users will be able to get password reset links to the phone number which they provide.

AccountSID, AuthToken, Phone From - settings taken from your Twilio account. Note: Demo account will not work, only full one will. 


Google Analytics

This feature allows you to add google analytics code to track how people are using your control panel. Create an account here, put the UA code for your analytics tracking in Site UA ID field and it will start generating reports.


Regional Settings

Allows you to set defaults for addresses and locations used everywhere in MSPControl. Requirement for Office 365.

Don't forget to click Save Settings to remember your changes on System Settings page.

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