
Deployment Guide


The target audience for this guide is system administrators performing MSPControl installation and maintenance tasks.


We assume that you already:


  1. Run MSPControlSetup-3.1.0.exe, wait few seconds for system checks. Click next when you see this page.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  2. Read (it’s not that long, come on) End-User License Agreement, accept the terms and click Next.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  3. Ensure that your system meet software requirements and click next. If something is missed, MSPControl Setup will automatically install missing prerequisites for you.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  4. Select the components which should be installed. If it’s your first installation just click next here so all basic components will be installed.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  5. Specify MSPControl Server settings. Better to aviod using loopback ( IP as a binding. Hostname is not mandatory, you can leave this blank.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  6. Specify MSPControl Server security settings. You can create new account (recommended) or use an existing one. If you want to use an existing account for MSPControl Server, add mentioned account to Local Administrators and IIS_IUSRS groups on your server.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  7. Specify password for this MSPControl Server component. This password will be used when you add this Server from Portal in Configuration > Servers. If you install this server as a part of first basic installation (all components) then this server will be automatically added to the panel.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  8. Specify MSPControl Enterprise Server settings. Better to aviod using loopback ( IP as a binding. Hostname is not mandatory, you can leave this blank.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  9. Specify MSPControl Enterprise Server security settings. You can create new account (recommended) or use an existing one.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  10. Specify password for Serveradmin. Serveradmin is the main MSPC administrator account.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  11. Configure MSPControl database connection strings, click Test connection button and then Next when you see that connection is good. If there is a problem with connection, you’ll get error with explanation of what is wrong. Most probably your user (user which you’re logged in) don’t have rights on SQL.Note: Sometimes there is a problem with database creation for WIX installers like ours. Problem happens when Named Pipes and TCP/IP disabled for SQL Server.
    Solution 1. Go into the Sql Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER (for us, the default instance) -> Enable Named Pipes and TCP/IP protocols, then re-try MSPC installation.
    Solution 2. Use .\sqlexpress instead of localhost\sqlexpress or in your connection string. There is a possibility that when you use .\sqlexpress (or .\InstanceName) in connection string installer uses Shared Memory instead of Named Pipes or TCP/IP.
    MSP Deployment GuideMSP Deployment Guide
  12. Specify MSPControl Portal settings. Better to aviod using loopback ( IP as a binding. Hostname is not mandatory, you can leave this blank. If you want to change or add bindings for Portal, you can safely do it in IIS after installation.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  13. Specify MSPControl Portal security settings. You can create new account (recommended) or use an existing one.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  14. Verify the scope of tasks for MSPControl Setup. Click install if everything is ok.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  15. Installation process will tell you what’s happening at the moment.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  16. This is what you should see if installation was successful. Click finish.
    MSP Deployment Guide
  17. Open your installed Portal. You can use newly created desktop shortcut.
  18. Login to the MSPControl Portal using Serveradmin username and password from step 10.
  19. Final step before you can use MSPControl is a license request. Click Get License in the Licensing menu to proceed.
    Note: MSPControl requires port 443 outbound to be open in order to generate a license. 

  20. Fill all fields and decide which license do you need (30-Day Trial or a Paid License).
    Click Get 30-Day Free Trial if you want to use a Trial period. License will be applied instantly in a few seconds.
    Click See Pricing if you have decided to simplify your daily routine with MSPControl.
  21. Done! You can start using your MSPControl.