Documentation > How to create new user
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To create a new user login to the MSPControl and click on Users (User Organization),

or go to Organizations > Organization > Users.

Click Create New User.

Then fill in the details for a New user.

The fields Display Name, E-mail address, and Alternate E-mail Address are mandatory.

Next you have to set a password for a new user, and re-type it to confirm.

Make sure the password you set meets the security criteria. If it does not, you will see a pop-up notification explaining current requirements. Checking Password Never Expires checkbox will make a password valid forever.

If you check Send Password Request checkbox, instead of typing in the password you will be asked to enter Email address where the request will be sent.

Check Mailbox User checkbox if you want to allow this user to have a mailbox. Then you have to select Mailboxplan Name from a drop-down menu. You can apply a Retention Policy, if any, and Enable Archiving for this mailbox, if you want to.

After that select Organization Location from a drop-down menu.

Next step is to fill in the details such as a physical address, a phone number and a fax, along with company detail information, and user contact info. You can fill these details right away or later.

The last step is to click on Create User button in the bottom of your screen.

Hooray! The new user has been created, and you have been redirected to a Settings page for this user. Check out what you can configure and how.

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